Mobile Response Team Training
Page Directory
Each section of these trainings has a pre and post reflection component. The links go to the same form each time.
Getting Started
Volunteer Iowa Disaster 101 Training
Volunteer Iowa Disaster 101 Training goes over the basics of disaster response and expectations out in the field.
6 hours in-person or virtual
Hosted 2-3 times a year through Volunteer Iowa
Speak with Habitat Iowa staff to find a training time (
Habitat learns - Disaster Response Safety for Habitat Staff and Volunteers
​This interactive training walks volunteers through potentials hazards on disaster sites and how to deal with those safety concerns.
1-2 hours – self paced
1 interactive webinar
​How to get started:
Click on ‘Create Account’
Check box ‘I agree and accept to the above Terms and Conditions’
Complete the Account Registration steps (you may put your own affiliate or Habitat for Humanity of Iowa)
Your account will need to be approved by the affiliate system administrator (send them an email to ensure they approve your registration right away)
Once approved, go back to and login
At the MyHabitat homepage, click on HabitatLearns
Type in the search box "Disaster Response Safety"
Feel free to take any of the other classes as well.
A-DRT (AmeriCorps Disaster Response Team) Training
Habitat Iowa is an active ADRT (AmeriCorps Disaster Response Team) through Volunteer Iowa. This means we can get deployed in Iowa and other states. Because of this AmeriCorps developed a thorough training around ADRT responses and it is free. This is about 16-20 hours of trainings and homework.
How to get started:
Request access for an account by emailing
​Say "I'm an AmeriCorps staff member that needs to complete the ADRT training"
Look in your email for a link to create a log in and password
Search for "AmeriCorps Disaster Response Team 101"
Complete the training modules
Habitat International Volunteer Safety
Habitat for Humanity International has a safety training available virtually. Once complete the training will generate a quiz. If you pass the quiz, a certificate will be emailed to the affiliate.
How to get started:
Click Volunteers on the header
Click Begin Now on the right
Go through the trainings
Take the quiz
Disaster Area Specific Training
Habitat Iowa is partnering with community organizations to provide training for disaster response in 3 main areas: Chainsaw - Debris removal, Mucking and Gutting - Flooding, and Roof Tarping - Storm damage. DCLs will be notified of upcoming trainings as they occur, but some videos have been posted some team members can learn virtually until the in-person trainings are available.
Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance - Bur Oak Land Trust
Most of Iowa's natural disasters involve storm damage and debris removal. We encourage our DCLs and other volunteers to learn the proper procedure and safety requirements for using chainsaws out in the field. This training is offered many times throughout the year through the Bur Oak Land Trust. The cost of the training will be reimbursed by Habitat for Humanity of Iowa.
In-person opportunity:
Trainings are held as needed. Contact the Habitat Iowa staff and we'll let you know the next upcoming training.
Virtual training resources:
Lowes- How To Use A Chainsaw to Clear Fallen Trees | Severe Weather Guide - YouTube
STIHL Felling Tutorial - How to Fell a Tree with a Chainsaw - YouTube
Husqvarna Tutorial - How to work with a chainsaw - Tutorial from Husqvarna - YouTube
Guilty of Treeson / Professional Tree Service - WORLD'S BEST TREE FELLING TUTORIAL! Way more information than you ever wanted on how to fell a tree! - YouTube
Disaster Debris Removal - YouTube
Mucking and Gutting
Another type of disaster that is common in Iowa is flooding. Generally the work that is required is mucking and gutting, or removal of all construction materials below the water line to remove or prevent mold from growing in flooded homes.
Virtual Training opportunity​
In-person Training Opportunity:
Volunteer Iowa and Habitat Iowa partner together to provide specific disaster trainings throughout the year. Ideally these occur in November/December. You will be informed when a training is upcoming.
Hurricane Prep (Roof Tarping, Boarding up,
Tarping roofs is an important activity after major storms. This prevents further damages and allows homeowners to wait for more assistance.
Virtual Training opportunity​
How to Tarp an asphalt Roof | Severe Weather Guide - YouTube
How to Board up Windows with Plywood | Hurricane Prep - YouTube
In-person Training Opportunity:
Volunteer Iowa and Habitat Iowa partner together to provide specific disaster trainings throughout the year. Ideally these occur in November/December. You will be informed when a training is upcoming.
Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide
Natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes can damage asbestos-containing materials and lead to asbestos exposure among first responders, cleanup crews and nearby residents. Learn how to prevent asbestos exposure when preparing for and cleaning up after a natural disaster.
First Aid and CPR
Details coming soon
Stop the Bleed Course
Details coming soon
Disaster Impact on the Community
Details coming soon
Psychologic First Aid
Details coming soon
Construction Basics
Habitat Learns Construction Basics - for non-construction staff
Habitat for Humanity International has a safety training available virtually. Once complete the training will generate a quiz. If you pass the quiz, a certificate will be emailed to the affiliate.
How to get started:
Click on ‘Create Account’
Check box ‘I agree and accept to the above Terms and Conditions’
Complete the Account Registration steps (you may put your own affiliate or Habitat for Humanity of Iowa)
Your account will need to be approved by the affiliate system administrator (send them an email to ensure they approve your registration right away)
Once approved, go back to and login
At the MyHabitat homepage, click on HabitatLearns
Type in the search box "Construction basics"
Feel free to take any of the other classes as well.
MRT Construction Training Schedule
Week 1:
Goals of Week 1:
Orientation to Habitat Iowa and MRT
Visit Cedar valley Construction site, Meet MRT Construction leader or Affiliate Construction Leader.
Exchanging contact information.
Possible build site / affiliate location visits.
Training for Week 1:
Habitat Learns:
MRT members will need to get their feet wet with Habitat Learns which is a membership site that offers training and resources from Habitat International. Instructions for creating account are listed above in Construction Basics.
Habitat Learns. Create account.
Week 1 - Review “Foundations”
Lockton Volunteer Safety:
Habitat for Humanity International has a safety training available virtually. Once complete the training will generate a quiz. If you pass the quiz, a certificate will be emailed to the affiliate.
How to get started:
Click Volunteers on the header
Click Begin Now on the right
Go through the trainings - Specifically "What to wear"
Take the quiz
Take a picture of the score or save the finished certificate.
If access code needed try A W8NAEBTG
Safety Training with Les:
Covid 19 and workplace – housekeeping and hygiene.
New Employee Safety Orientation.
PPE what employees need to know.
Eye Protection.
Hand Protection.
Noise and Hearing Protection.
Preventing Slips Trips and Falls.
Back Safety.
Week 2:
Goals of week 2: More safety training and basic construction skills
Lockton Volunteer Safety:
Habitat for Humanity International has a safety training available virtually. Once complete the training will generate a quiz. If you pass the quiz, a certificate will be emailed to the affiliate.
How to get started:
Click Volunteers on the header
Click Begin Now on the right
Go through the trainings -
General Blood Bourne Pathogens.
Portable Power Tool Safety.
Ladder Safety.
Electrical Safety for Unqualified Construction workers.
Working on Cold Conditions.
Working in Hot Conditions.
Basic first aid for Medical Emergencies.
Respirator Protection.
Disaster Planning.
Take the quiz
Take a picture of the score or save the finished certificate.
If access code needed try A W8NAEBTG
Additional training by Construction Leader:
Identifying needs for next day, participate in planning.
Site Safety. If you haven’t been trained, don’t do it.
Distracted worker / driver.
Cell phones, breaks and rest rooms.
Reporting, what. To whom. Minor accidents. Damage to Equipment. Near misses.
Non powered tool introductions. Hammers, Tape Measures, Chaulk lines Squares, Levels,
Razor knives and sawhorses.
Powered tool’s introductions. Electric and Battery.
Hands on training all tools above.
Week 3
Additional training by Construction Leader: ​
Identifying correct tool for task.
Proper inspection of all tools. Tagging damaged tools and removing from use.
How to safely use non-Powered tools, demonstrated.
How to use Powered tools, Electric and Battery, demonstrated.
Organizing work area(s) Safe and Efficiently.
Hands on use of tools. Ongoing.
Proper storage of tools.
Visit work site(s) and demonstrate current training knowledge.
Delegation- stress management- set short- and long-term goals.
Self-Healthcare. Know who to call.
Online Training:
A-DRT Training (Getting Started) 16 hours
Habitat Disaster Safety 2 hrs. (Getting Started) 2 hours
Time Management skills. Online --- Prioritization- Goal setting- Communication- Planning-
Week 4:
30-day evaluation Time. Review your self-evaluation and your supervisor’s evaluation of your progress.
Construction Leaders Training:
Identifying Fasteners, Nails, screws, bolts, adhesives and caulks.
Identifying language for types of wood used on Construction sites. 2x4 etc. plywood, OSB, LBL, treated wood, composites, floor joists, rim boards, sub flooring, roof trusses, insulation and siding materials.
Identifying dimensions of wood materials.
Exhibit ability to communicate a Safety chat.
Exhibit Safe driving skills in HFH vehicles when authorized.
Identify tools needed for tasks assigned and prepare for use in a safe and efficient area.
Exhibit ability to return all tools to assigned storage at completion of daily projects.
Exhibit ability to conduct Safe house keeping during and after all tasks.
Exhibit ability to conduct oneself in a Safe in an efficient manner, expressed by HFH.
Introduction to ladder usage and care. Hands on.
Introduction to scaffolding usage and care.
Hands on Training at affiliate sites.
AmeriCorps Orientation Part 2 should be completed already with Habitat Iowa Staff
Week 5
Construction Leaders Training:
Advanced tool usage. Table saws, miter saws, air compressors, and air tools. Generator and power supply.