Host AmeriCorps
Build Capacity
Serve More Families
Develop Housing Leaders
Thank you for your interest in the Habitat for Humanity of Iowa AmeriCorps Programming. Below you will find information about our application timeline, benefits and expectations of host sites and more.
Hosting an AmeriCorps members means, the affiliates have a person serving 40 hours a week for 3, 6, 9, or 12-month commitments. These members build capacity, expand programming, a create lifetime housing advocates and leaders for the affiliates through their service. Habitat Iowa helps with recruitment, administrative, and training support throughout the year. The fact sheet linked above explains the program and how your organization can participate!
Yearly Timeline:
January-March: Host Site Interest Applications are open for 3-month Summer programming
February-May: Host Site Interest Applications are open for 12-month programming!
April 1: Affiliates and host sites are notified of selection for Summer Programming and host site agreements sent out
May 1: Affiliates and host sites are notified of selection for 12-month programming and host site agreements sent out.
May - June: 3-month Summer members begin serve
September-October: 12-month members start
Benefits for the Affiliates and Host Sites
An AmeriCorps member serving 40 hours a week for 3, 6, 9, or 12-month commitments.
Recruitment help through Habitat Iowa staff
Habitat Iowa Staff support your AmeriCorps members throughout the year
Training provided to members to help with soft skills
Habitat Staff handle all the HR, payroll, and other administrative roles. Learn about member benefits here or by viewing the fact sheet at the top of the page.
Access to the Mobile Response Team, when teams are not responding to natural disasters in Iowa.
Cost Associated with Programming:
Pay a host site fee ($9,000-Full time (40 hours a week for 12 months), $6000-Half time (40 hours a week for 6 months), $3800-Quarter time (40 hours/week for 3 months)
Use supervision hours as match for the grant ($4200- FT, $3000-HT, $1800- QT)
Provide supervision to the AmeriCorps members, ideally 4-5 hours per week
Nurture and encourage the training and growth the AmeriCorps members at your site
Provide sufficient resources and tools needed for member to perform their service effectively. This may include a desk, computer, and other office supplies.
Why do we charge host site fees and supervisor match?
While AmeriCorps is a federal grant that allows amazing things to be accomplished, it does come with many financial requirements to ensure it continues. The host site fee and in-kind match is required to help the program operate, cover administration costs, and meet the minimum 50% federal match requirements of the grant. Many of these expenses are fixed regardless of the recruited number of members. As an ASO, we do not fundraise to ensure we’re not competing with affiliates for grant applications to the same donors. Price per member for next year are listed below. If Habitat Iowa can secure different funding sources or additional federal funding is provided as in the past year, we will work to reduce or reimburse host site fees as we are able.
Read through our AmeriCorps Host Site Agreement to learn more.