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Enrolling with AmeriCorps

The paperwork and accounts associated with AmeriCorps can take a long time especially for new members (1 to 2 hours). It is advised that you begin on paperwork early to ensure there is enough time to ask questions and complete before your first day of service.

These must be done before you begin service

  1. Complete the member information form (3-5 mins)

  2. Complete your Background checks (30 minutes work, 2-9 days processing time)

  3. Create and enroll your account with (20-60 min), 2-9 days processing time)

  4. Complete the employee paperwork through Adobe Sign and sign electronically 

  5. Complete the latest Member Service Agreement through Adobe Sign and sign electronically (most be completed before your first day with no exceptions) Example: member service agreement


These must be done after you start service: 

  1. Create an OnCorps account for submitting timesheets 

  2. Create an ADP account (access to Paystubs and W-2)

1. Complete the Member Information Form (1-2 minutes)

This member information form  is used to gather information needed to invite the member to our program. No other steps can get started until we have that form.

  1. Complete the member information form (3-5 mins)- Microsoft Form

    1. or email a word version​ to 


2. Complete your background checks: (20-30 minutes) (Printable Instructions) (1-9 days processing time by companies)

This is a TWO-STEP process through two separate accounts Truescreen and Fieldprint. â€‹

1 of 2 Truescreen: 

  1. Habitat Iowa staff will invite each member to fill out a background check with Truescreen after receiving the Member Information Form. 

  2. Members will receive an email from Truescreen with the request to complete a check. 

    1. ​From: ""

    2. Subject line "Background Investigation Forms Requested"

  3.  Follow the link in the email to Truescreen. Then you will need to click “Sign up” and complete the forms from there.

  4. After filling out your personal information and checking off on disclosure forms, you will be asked to submit a picture of your government issued photo ID (Drivers license, Green Card, Passport).



2 of 2 Fieldprint: 

To schedule a fingerprinting appointment, please follow these simple instructions:

  1.  Visit 

  2. Click "Schedule an appointment"

  3. Enter an email address under “New Users/Sign Up” and click the “Sign Up” button. Follow the instructions for creating a Password and Security Question and then click “Sign Up and Continue”. 

  4. Enter the Fieldprint Code-> FPCNCSHabitatIowa1652

  5. Enter the contact and demographic information required by the FBI and schedule a fingerprint appointment at the location of your choosing.

  6. At the end of the process, PRINT the Confirmation Page. TAKE the Confirmation Page with you to your fingerprint appointment, along with two forms (list below) of identification. (IDs, Credit/Debit Cards, mail, etc.) 

  7. If you have any questions or problems, you may contact our customer service team at 877-614-4364 or

3. Create and enroll your account with (20-60 min) (1-9 days processing time by AmeriCorps)


This account is required for all members. Some members will have an account already. Some will have to create one. 


  • Part 1: Do not have an account/ Brand new to system: 

    • Go to

    • Click "Apply to Serve" at the bottom of the screen

    • Fill out pages of information

    • The system will send you an email, which will let you create a username and password

  • ​Part 2: Next or Already have an account: 

    • Sign back into the system and click "enrollment form" along the left hand side of the screen *(This will only appear, if Staff have your paperwork above)

        • Make sure you are in “Member Home” and not “Applicant Home

    • Fill out the pages of personal information and click "save"

4.Complete paperwork-Adobe Sign (30-60 minutes)

Before starting service, members must complete the employee packet which is emailed by Habitat Iowa Staff through Adobe Sign. 

  • Start forms include, but are not limited to these. 

    • Secure ID upload (Government ID, Social Security Card)

    • Federal W-4

    • State W-4

    • I-9

    • Direct Deposit Form with proof of bank information (voided check, bank statement, bank screenshot)

    • Health insurance enrollment or waiver

    • Handbook Sign off

    • Driving record authorization for disaster members

5. Sign your member service agreement (Full individualized contract )- Adobe Sign (30 minutes)


One of the most important documents for your program year is your Member Service Agreement. This lists out the rules, expectations, and term of service for your service. The individualized contract will be emailed through Adobe Sign 1-2 weeks before starting. Contracts must be signed before the first day or the member cannot start. No exceptions.  

It is very important to go through all of the contract. 


  • Service term and pay

  • Benefits

  • Rules and Responsibilities

  • Expectations

  • Grievance procedures

  • Reasonable accommodation request

  • Much more

6. Create an OnCorps account  *(This will only appear, if Staff have your paperwork above) (1-5 minutes)

  • Go to this oncorps page  and click your year. 

  • Sign in with your Username (First letter of first name, Last name ex: Katie Zellmer = kzellmer, Mone Aye = maye)

  • And Temporary password, - sent by staff via email

7. Create an ADP account (Paystubs and W-2) (1-5 minutes)

After your first paycheck, members will receive an email from ADP, our payroll company, with instructions to set up an online account to access paystubs and other tax and payroll information.  

  • After you first paycheck, member will receive an email from “” with instructions on creating an account. 

  • You will use the link in the email along with the registration code provided. 

Habitat for Humanity of Iowa

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  • contact a local Habitat organization near you? - Visit here

  • housing resources by county in Iowa? - Visit Here

  • other non-housing help in Iowa? Call United Way's 211 or Visit here


Phone: 515-266-6886

Address: 809 8th Street SW Suite F Altoona, Iowa 50009


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