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Disaster Crew Leader Training

Required Trainings

Volunteer Iowa Disaster 101 Training

  • Volunteer Iowa Disaster 101 Training goes over the basics of disaster response and expectations out in the field. 

    • 8 hours in-person or virtual

    • Hosted 2-3 times a year through Volunteer Iowa

    • Speak with Habitat Iowa staff to create a training time (


Habitat learns - Disaster Response Safety for Habitat Staff and Volunteers

​This interactive training walks volunteers through potentials hazards on disaster sites and how to deal with those safety concerns. 

  • 1-2 hours – self paced

  • 1 interactive webinar


​How to get started: 

  • Go 

  • Click on ‘Create Account’

  • Check box ‘I agree and accept to the above Terms and Conditions’

  • Complete the Account Registration steps (you may put your own affiliate or Habitat for Humanity of Iowa)

  • Your account will need to be approved by the affiliate system administrator (send them an email to ensure they approve your registration right away)

  • Once approved, go back to and login

  • At the MyHabitat homepage, click on HabitatLearns

  • Type in the search box "Disaster Response Safety"

  • Feel free to take any of the other classes as well. 

Competent Person Training - (unless already taken)

Staff members who have not completed competent persons will be required to complete this training. We want to ensure that everyone that is part of the program maintains the Habitat Safety standards. This training will be reimbursed through your affiliate or Habitat for Humanity of Iowa. 


  1. Go to 

  2. Log in using the account your created for Habitat Learns (above)

  3. Go to this link  OR 

    1. Click on "My Build Site"

    2. In the blue box click "Go to My Build Site"

    3. In the Yellow Box click "Build Safe"

  4. Pay for the class $30  and send the receipt to for reimbursement. (Or speak with Habitat staff for another way)

  5. Complete the class and email a copy of your complete course to your supervisor and  


Area Specific Training

Habitat Iowa is partnering with community organizations to provide training for disaster response in 3 main areas: Chainsaw - Debris removal, Mucking and Gutting - Flooding, and Roof Tarping - Storm damage. DCLs will be notified of upcoming trainings as they occur, but some videos have been posted some team members can learn virtually until the in-person trainings are available. 


Chainsaw Safety and Maintenance - Bur Oak Land Trust

Most of Iowa's natural disasters involve storm damage and debris removal. We encourage our DCLs and other volunteers to learn the proper procedure and safety requirements for using chainsaws out in the field. This training is offered many times throughout the year through the Bur Oak Land Trust. The cost of the training will be reimbursed by Habitat for Humanity of Iowa.  


In-person opportunity: 

  1. Trainings are held as needed. Contact the Habitat Iowa staff  and we'll let you know the next upcoming training.

Virtual training resources: 


Mucking and Gutting

Another type of disaster that is common in Iowa is flooding. Generally the work that is required is mucking and gutting, or removal of all construction materials below the water line to remove or prevent mold from growing in flooded homes. 


Virtual Training opportunity​

  • ​


In-person Training Opportunity

  • Volunteer Iowa and Habitat Iowa partner together to provide specific disaster trainings throughout the year. Ideally these occur in November/December. You will be informed when a training is upcoming. 

Roof Tarping

Tarping roofs is an important activity after major storms. This prevents further damages and allows homeowners to wait for more assistance.  


Virtual Training opportunity​

  • ​


In-person Training Opportunity

  • Volunteer Iowa and Habitat Iowa partner together to provide specific disaster trainings throughout the year. Ideally these occur in November/December. You will be informed when a training is upcoming. 

Safety Trainings

Habitat International Volunteer Safety

Habitat for Humanity International has a safety training available virtually. Once complete the training will generate a quiz. If you pass the quiz, a certificate will be emailed to the affiliate.  


How to get started: 

Habitat Learns Construction Basics - for non-construction staff

Habitat for Humanity International has a safety training available virtually. Once complete the training will generate a quiz. If you pass the quiz, a certificate will be emailed to the affiliate.  


How to get started: 

    • Go 

    • Click on ‘Create Account’

    • Check box ‘I agree and accept to the above Terms and Conditions’

    • Complete the Account Registration steps (you may put your own affiliate or Habitat for Humanity of Iowa)

    • Your account will need to be approved by the affiliate system administrator (send them an email to ensure they approve your registration right away)

    • Once approved, go back to and login

    • At the MyHabitat homepage, click on HabitatLearns

    • Type in the search box "Construction basics"

    • Feel free to take any of the other classes as well. 

A-DRT (AmeriCorps Disaster Response Team) Training

Habitat Iowa is an active ADRT (AmeriCorps Disaster Response Team) through Volunteer Iowa. This means we can get deployed in Iowa and other states. Because of this AmeriCorps developed a thorough training around ADRT responses and it is free.  This is about 16-20 hours of trainings and homework. 


How to get started: 

  • Go to CNCS Litmos Training Site

  • Request access for an account by emailing

  • ​Say "I'm an AmeriCorps staff member that needs to complete the ADRT training"

  • Look in your email for a link to create a log in and password

  • Search for "AmeriCorps Disaster Response Team 101"

  • Complete the training modules

Asbestos and Natural Disasters Guide

Natural disasters such as wildfires, hurricanes, floods and tornadoes can damage asbestos-containing materials and lead to asbestos exposure among first responders, cleanup crews and nearby residents. Learn how to prevent asbestos exposure when preparing for and cleaning up after a natural disaster. 

First Aid and CPR

Details coming soon

Stop the Bleed Course

Details coming soon

Disaster Impact on the Community

Details coming soon

Psychologic First Aid 

Details coming soon

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