Exiting AmeriCorps
In order to exit from the HFH AmeriCorps State program you need to complete the following steps. This will ensure speedy access to your final paycheck and education award.
Complete the exit survey on your My.AmeriCorps.gov ​
It will appear 2 months before your end date or generated by Habitat Staff.
Log into my.americorps account. Click on "Exit Survey" in the middle of the page.
Ensure that your supervisor has completed the end-of-term member evaluation and you have signed it.
Members must complete the Supervisor and Program Evaluation
Complete all timesheets and correct any mistakes asked
Complete all required Great Stories
After this is complete, you should expect to receive your education award within 7- 60 days.
For tips on using the education award, go to this link.
If you loans were placed into National Service Forbearance, you may also request "An Accrued Interest Payment" through the My.AmeriCorps portal.